A member asked:

I'm trying to understand what my thyroid ultra sound mean because my doctor is out of the office for a week. impression: 1. mild enlargement of thyroid gland with mild heterogeneity. no evidence of focal nodule or cyst.?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Jay Park answered

Ultrasonogram revealed a mild enlargement of thyroid gland without cyst or nodule. These findings are not specific enough to make a diagnosis. More lab works are likely forthcoming to sort out the cause of thyroid enlargement.

Answered 10/15/2022


Dr. Clarence Grim answered

Specializes in Endocrinology

It means what it says. But without talk ing to you and examining you and your labs can’t help much. Discuss with ordering Dr.

Answered 10/25/2022



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