A member asked:

Would i know if i tore my esophagus? would i be able to drink water fine or no?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Clarence Grim answered

Specializes in Endocrinology

Yes you would be having unrelenting pain and even be is shock. Drinking water might make pain worse. If tear is bad you will be in shock. But not likely as you can ask questions.

Answered 9/25/2022



If you tore your esophagus, you would have intense pain and not be able to swallow without pain. For healthy diet: http://www.choosemyplate.gov/., exercise 30 minutes/day, drink enough water daily so your urine is mostly colorless, have safe sex, no tobacco alcohol weed or street drugs. Get HPV vaccine. Wish you good health! Safe sex: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention

Answered 9/25/2022



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