A member asked:

30/m. having difficulty passing stool last 6-mos. drink plenty of water. highly sedentary life style. bright blood when sitting (hemoroids from strain) but no blood when hunched/standing passing stool? mother diagnosed stage4 colon cancer @ 45?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Higher fiber intake and regular exercise helps. If you have no urge for BM's, try taking a gentle bowel stimulant like senokotS daily according to instructions. I recommend consulting a colorectal surgeon though because of having a first degree relative with colon cancer history and,also, hemorrhoid evaluation will be performed.

Answered 9/7/2022



You should get a colonoscopy at age 35. It would be prudent to see a doctor for the treatment of hemorrhoids as bleeding can cause anemia. For constipation - You may take a fiber laxative like Metamucil and drink enough water daily so that your urine is colorless. For the long term you may try to increase your intake of fiber foods.

Answered 9/7/2022



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