A member asked:

I am have radio frequency ablation on my lower back and they wont do sedation so i got 2 tablets of diazepam 5mg from my gp. when is the best time to take these before the procedure. last time i had the block i took 2 2mgs but they didnt work?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Clarence Grim answered

Specializes in Endocrinology

Everyone is different. Diazepam is not for pain but for nerves and my help one relax a bit. I assume you told your Dr 4 mg did not work and asked if you could use more. Tnis will depend on your metabolism and size and other meds you may be taking. Gp to Drugs.com and read about effects of all other meds you are on on metabolism of diazepam. Enter them into the interaction checker. Discuss.

Answered 7/31/2022



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