A member asked:

I need to know if there's any doctors that will prescribe xanax valium klonopin? i have been on them for 21 years and my doctor suddenly decided not to practice anymore when everything shut down and now i cannot find anything so any state but ky?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Not here you won't. This is a public information site where volunteer docs answer health questions. It does not offer direct care/prescriptions/notes, etc. Most of those meds are controlled substances monitored by the feds. Docs require special permits to prescribe them and can lose their permit/license if they prescribe them without proper documentation/cause.

Answered 5/24/2022



You have reached the public education site of HT, where we answer general questions, but do not diagnose, prescribe, manage, refer, or take care of patients. We also have a virtual consult site where doctors do care for patients (www.connect@healthtap.com), but controlled medications will NOT be prescribed, as these must be managed by your local provider.

Answered 5/24/2022



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