A member asked:

I had some blood test done and i have and blood test call ana which was positive with a 1:1280 titre and ana (homogenous pattern had a negative dna and ena also had raised esr and raised monocytes what diagnosis could this be lupus does run in family?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

How does any test apply to me? To answer that it should be understood that tests results are taken into account with the things the patients, says, the examination, lab tests, and all other diagnostic tests. More information is needed. Do you have joint pains, a dry mouth? It can be an infection, arthritis, or many other things. We need to not only focus on tests results.

Answered 2/19/2022



All laboratory results need to be interpreted in the clinical context and the doctor who ordered the tests is usually in the best position to do that. Talk to the doctor who ordered the tests. Having said that,it is imperative that you consult a rheumatologist to have a comprehensive assessment for auto-immune disorders. Wish you good health!

Answered 2/19/2022



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