A member asked:

Is there any effective way to treat a bleeding internal hemorrhoid if it can't be banded due to its location and a prior surgery? what would happen if i leave it untreated and let it pass small blood clots everyday. can it eventually heal on its own?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Romanth Waghmarae answered

Specializes in Pain Management

Take a stool softner so that you do not strain when passing stools. Continuous bleeding is bad as it will result anemia. It may heal on its own but it will almost certainly bleed unless its thrombosed

Answered 10/22/2021


Dr. Vineeta Gahlawat answered

Specializes in General Surgery

Unfortunately hemorrhoids don’t go away on their own but it may stop / slow down bleeding with preventing constipation and straining and use of hemorrhoidal creams. There are other options besides banding and a consultation with a surgeon would be best to discuss so as to avoid recurrence of the issue.

Answered 10/22/2021



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