A member asked:

My knee got twisted. mri says "patchy tear at posterior horn of medial meniscus, shape and contour preserved. grade ii chondromalacia of patella. grade ii mcl". as per doc, i'm resting now. could someone explain more on this? anything to be worried?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Clarence Grim answered

Specializes in Endocrinology

Your Dr who knows you and has seen the MRI is the best one to answer the question. do not know for sure what Greade II MCL means in Hong Kong. Nevet use abbreviations in medicine. They can be deadly.

Answered 9/30/2021



You have a partially torn cartilage, degeneration of cartilage under your knee cap and a partial tear of your medial collateral ligament. I would consider these findings to produce a rather unstable knee joint. I recommend that you be followed by an orthopedic surgeon who will guide you through physical therapy after resting,elevating and possibly alternating cold and hot applications to your knee

Answered 10/1/2021



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