A member asked:

Do i need to worried, heart holt? predominant rhythm was sinus bradycardia to sinus tachycardia. minimum to lowest 133bpm/56 bpm.there were 2987 psvc's with burden of 0.42%, two occurrences of supraventricular tachycardia with longest episode 22 beat?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Hiep Le answered

Specializes in Nephrology and Dialysis

You should be evaluated by at least a cardiologist or an electrophysiologist is even better.

Answered 9/23/2021



Your findings indicate moderate supraventricular irritability and you most likely fall into the brady tachy category. Were you symptomatic during the PAC's or the burst of SVT? Treating you with beta blockers may be problematic as they will aggravate the bradycardia. Because of the SVT and presence of sinus bradycardia, I agree you should be evaluated & followed by a cardiologist or EP specialis

Answered 9/23/2021



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