A member asked:

Can folliculitis on the scalp cause lymph nodes on the back of the head to swell? i have a small swollen node on the back of the right side of my neck but also feel several bumps on the scalp?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Yes. Their primary job is to cleanse the serum that originates from those areas. They enlarge when they are activated.

Answered 8/3/2021


Dr. Deborah Ungerleider answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

Yes, any inflammation or irritation in the area of particular lymph nodes will cause those lymph nodes to swell, as their job is to help fight any infection or decrease inflammation. If the underlying condition is successfully treated that swelling will go away; however, it may take some time for that to happen.

Answered 8/3/2021



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