A member asked:

3 months ago, i fractured a bone in my hand, but didn't go to the doctor, because i didn't even know it was fractured at first. now my bone healed in a unusual position and there is a bump under my hand visible. can this bump be fixed surgically?

6 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Sue Ferranti answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

You should see an orthopedic surgeon to see if it can be fixed surgically. It will depend on exactly what is causing the bump and which bone was fractured. Sometimes if it is a small bump and it is not causing you any discomfort, the surgeon will recommend leaving it alone. So, see the orthopedic surgeon and see if surgery is recommended. Good luck to you!

Answered 7/12/2021


Dr. Alexander Sah answered

Specializes in Orthopedic Reconstructive Surgery

Surgery is always possible, but not always recommended. Sometimes surgery may risk causing more problems than solving problems. If the bump is not painful or causing symptoms, may be best to leave alone. Evaluation by a hand surgeon will be best to answer your question.

Answered 7/30/2021



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