A member asked:

Hey, i have pairs of pea sized lymph nodes all over my body. i have two at the back of my head witch are pea sized and immovable, are these a concern? i've also had all of the nodes present for a 6 month period and none of the nodes have changed?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

This sounds a bit unusual. But as long as they do not increase in size they are not likely to be cancerous. You should consider being examined by your family doctor so that he/she can measure them and count them for future evaluation for change in size and looking for new ones. I do not think it is anything serious.

Answered 6/21/2021


Dr. Steven McCornack answered

Specializes in Anesthesiology

No fevers? Previous illness? Of greatest concern are migrating and fixed nodules. Are you certain these are lymph nodes? Consult your primary care doctor or surgeon for a more thorough work up. They may wish to do further testing (scan or ultrasound), labwork, or a biopsy

Answered 6/21/2021



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