A member asked:

Lost all hearing in left ear mri no tumor but problems with sinuses. now i'm having headaches constantly and hurts to turn head to right or left. is this due to an infection in my mastoid sinuses behind my ears or sigmoid sinuses in back of head?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Clarence Grim answered

Specializes in Endocrinology

That would show up on MRI Have your Drs review to see if it was in view on the MRI.

Answered 5/14/2021



You need to have this fully re-evaluated. The hearing loss is most likely secondary to localized vascular insufficiency. You likely have cervical spondylosis, which is causing pain, and likely triggering headaches. Would be truly amazed if you had ongoing mastoid and sigmoid sinus infections. See a neurologist, if not done previously.

Answered 5/15/2021



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