A member asked:

Dislocated my shoulder yesterday again (2nd time) went to the er to put it back in, xray was normal but i have pain (normal) but also muscle twitches!? are the muscle twitches normal? i do have widespread twitching neuro said bfs after normal emg?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Clarence Grim answered

Specializes in Endocrinology

I would stop doing what ever it is that dislocated shoulder. Go to uptodate.com and read more. Then discuss with your team.

Answered 3/9/2021



Do not worry about "twitches", as this is merely a reaction to the injury. However, your problem involves 2 shoulder dislocations and now there is further risk of repetition. An orthopedic consult should be sought. Sometimes, a surgical procedure is needed to stabilize the shoulder joint.

Answered 3/7/2021



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