A member asked:

Hi, i had an unprotected sex on january 10th 2021, i tested hiv rna test on 11 days and 24days also took 4th gen duo test on 24 days. all negative! from yesterday, i do have feverish, headache, fatigue, and diarrhea covid negative. i can be safe?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Yvette Kratzberg answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

Typical testing regimen is at 1 month (more than 28 days) and 6 months. If either is positive, you will be offered medications that reduce the viral load in your bloodstream. You should talk to your Dr about using PrEP while you are waiting for results, and even if they come back negative. These prophylactic meds can prevent HIV infection during high risk encounters.

Answered 3/8/2021


Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

I agree with Dr. Kratzberg. You seem to be aware that your could get a sexually transmitted disease by haivng unprotected sex, so is there any reason why you are doing it? Do recommend that you get tested at one month point.

Answered 3/10/2021



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