A member asked:

7 weeks after covid and viral pneumonia have cough that triggers with talking. had this at the start of last illness. went away for several weeks now back. blood ox 93 now. taking mucinex and pearl cough suppressant given in hospital. suggestions?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Sue Ferranti answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Bronchospasm...: This cough is likely due to bronchospasm, where the airways tend to collapse and the cough opens them again. Having a pulse ox decreased to 93% would be common with this. COVID/viral pneumonia can trigger this and then the bronchospasm can continue. A bronchodilator inhaler will keep your airways open, thus relieving the cough. Call your doctor and the inhaler can be prescribed. Good luck!

Answered 2/28/2021


Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

COVID 19: Outstanding response by Dr. Ferranti, I too recommend that it is time for a post-COVID 19 medical assessment. Unfortunately, pulmonary sx's with COVID 19 can linger or sometimes worsen.

Answered 2/28/2021



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