A member asked:

My mom is 56, on a breo inhaler for asthma, takes an antidepressant & iron & is in remission (over 5 years now) of bullous pemphigoid. is the covid vaccines safe for her even with her having had an auto immune disease?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Autoimmune: Although the trials of the prereleased Covid vaccine didn't especially include patients with autoimmune disorders or patients on chemotherapy, the vaccine is not only considered safe for these individuals but it's highly recommended that they receive it. If they are receiving immunoglobulin or antibody therapy, they are advised to ask their physicians about when to ideally take the vaccine.

Answered 2/6/2021


Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

COVID 19 vaccines: COVID 19 vaccination is very important unless there is an actual contraindication. These issues are not of the list of contraindications.

Answered 2/5/2021



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