A member asked:

I have a fever for like last 7 to 8 days and little bit of runny nose for 3 days . and a month before i tested covid positive and in week tested negative . so can i use azithromycin oseltamivir and peracitamol?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Amrita Dosanjh answered

Specializes in Pediatric Allergy and Asthma

COVID testing: Influenza tends not to cause prolonged fever more thn 7 days. A chest image, sputum culture and treatment with an antibiotic as indicated are recommended. COVID 19 repeat testing is suggested, but please check with your local health department. The use of oseltamivir is most effective in the first two days of an illness. Use Tyelenol rather than Motrin and stay well hydrated.

Answered 12/1/2020



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