A member asked:

Why i always have leukocytes positive but nitrite negative. no symptoms of uti. lipid profile is good. ecg and chest x-ray is fine. i am not diabetic. my kidney and bladder biopsy did not show cancer. psa is 0.5 feel mild pain outsides of middle ribs?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Hunter Handsfield answered

Specializes in Infectious Disease

Urinary WBC: This is a good illustration of a basic medical fact. Inflammation -- as indicated in your case by urine leukocytes (white blood cells) -- doesn't necessarily mean infection. If you're having no urinary symptoms, it's probably nothing important. If urinary urgency, frequency, or other UTI-like symptoms, ask your doctor to check things like interstial cystitis, estorgen-deficiency vaginitis, etc.

Answered 11/19/2020



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