A member asked:

Severe chest pain which sometimes becomes dull but persists even after mild exercise considering the blood sugar is very low and bp normal.also,the ecg,lipid profile,ett,echo is normal and angioplasty suggested.what coild be the problem??

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

It is not feasible to provide an opinion without additional history, physical examination may be some tests. It would be prudent to see your doctor to see if you may be depressed. Depression is treatable. Counter-intuitive as it may seem, exercise may help. Start with low intensity exercise such as walking and gradually increase the intensity as tolerated. Drink more water. Wish you good health!

Answered 10/30/2022


Dr. Clarence Grim answered

Specializes in Endocrinology

YOUR BODY IS TALKING TO YOU! Listen & take good notes. When does it start/stop? Where does it go? What makes it better/worse? How long does it last? Medication helps/worsens? 
If you think it is something you eat/drink/do stop it & see. If better, go back again & retest until u r convinced it is something u should stop. Then stop it. Discuss with your Drs. You all will figure it out.

Answered 10/31/2022



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