A member asked:

I am feeling burning pain during urination. previously sufferer of renal calculi but now usg is ok.is it a uti.i have given urine sample for culture.?

10 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Possibly UTI: If you've had kidney stones before, it's possible that's what's going on, but pain or blood during urination and one-sided low back pain would be more indicative. Burning during urination, increased frequency or an urge to urinate are more likely symptoms of a urinary tract infection. See your primary care doctor for a urinalysis and possible urinary culture, if needed.

Answered 9/28/2016


Dr. Pedro Hernandez answered

Specializes in Geriatrics

UTI vrs others: Check the urine for culture and sensitivity. Once they have the sample they can prescribe an antibiotic and later on change it if not sensitive. There are other causes of dysuria ( burning) to urinate. In the differential...Trichomonas, allergies to soap or creams etc. Verynlikelybinfection if u had sones.

Answered 9/28/2016


Dr. George Klauber answered

Specializes in Pediatric Urology

Likely UTI: You have done the correct thing by getting a urine culture this will show whether or not you have a uti. A routine urinalysis might well have demonstrated a UTI if the nitrite reagent was positive. In the meantime you could be started on an antibiotic, which could always be changed if your UTI has been caused bty a resistant species of bacteria. Good luck.

Answered 6/10/2014



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