Tarter : Tarter is plaque that has been on the teeth long enough to become calcified, hard and attached to the tooth. It can only be removed by a dentist or hygienist using specialized tools. The plaque can be removed by brushing and flossing before it hardens. So the key is to remove it with good brushing and flossing before there is any damage done to the teeth or gum tissues.
Answered 8/15/2020
Tarter: Tarter can and should be removed as it causes permanent gum damage. I'm sure what your Dentist said is that you can't remove the hardened tarter yourself, you need Dentist/Hygienist to remove it for you. You then have to practice good oral hygiene and see Dentist at least 2x/year. Please see a Dentist immediately.
Answered 8/15/2020
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