A member asked:

What cancers does ca125 pick up? if transvaginal ultrasound does not pick up cancer and ca125 is normal does that mean u dont have cancer. what cancer does pap smear pick up? my uterus is 7.7x5.3x5.4. is that normal? what is myometrial heterog

A doctor has provided 1 answer

CA125: CA125 is a tumor marker to screen/monitor ovarian cancer. If CA125 is normal, you may still have other types of cancers. CA125 does not screen for all cancers. CA125 can be elevated for over 10 things not related to cancer. Pap smear is a screening test for precancerous/cancerous lesions of the cervix. I would love to answer more but best to review with MD who ordered those test or Healthtap MD.

Answered 6/18/2020



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