A member asked:

I've just tested positive for insulin resistance. i'm obese, and have hypertension. i have been eating well and exercising, but not losing weight. is there medical treatment for the insultin resistance, that may lead to weight loss?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Metformin : The best treatment for insulin resistance is diet and exercise. Beyond that, sometimes medication is utilized. Metformin is at the foundation of treating insulin resistance with medication. I recommend that you talk to your PCP or get referred to an endocrinologist for further discussion of this.

Answered 4/8/2020



Insulin resistance: Effective treatment for insulin resistance is a diabetic type diet which would be low in carbohydrates. A Mediterranean diet is a good one. Weight loss, control of blood pressure and of hyperlipidemia are also important. Regular exercise is very helpful.

Answered 4/8/2020



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