A member asked:

I have a rash on my elbow that has been there for 3 years and is now expanding. it is red, raised and in a circle shape with normal skin on the inside. it has been treated as ringworm and psoriasis that hasnt worked. not itchy, painful, flakey ?

A doctor has provided 1 answer

Dr. can look at rash: Rashes are hard to describe in words. A doctor has to look at a rash (video may suffice) to see what it might be. Very unusual rashes might need a skin biopsy. For common non-infected rashes such as eczema, mild reactions to plants or chemicals, excessive dryness, or little itchy bumps, some people try hydrocortisone 1% cream for 1 week until the rash can be examined by a doctor.

Answered 1/19/2020



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