A member asked:

33yr. i get lumps at bottom of head near the neck.some of them become redish sometimes&turn into puss. i had it for 6-8 months and then when i stopped gluten, these puss pimples stopped. now they are back again. anything to worry about these bumps?

8 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Randy Stevens answered

Specializes in General Surgery

Cyst or lymph nodes: You have a bump that drains pus at the bottom of head. These are either a sebaceous cyst that continues to drain or an infected lymph node. If you see a surgeon it may be something that can be removed.

Answered 12/11/2018



Skin bumps: These bumps may be ingrown hairs that become inflamed and turn into pustules. The bacteria involved are usually staph. When frequent scalp or neck pustules keep occurring in crops, I feel a 10-14 day course of an antistaphylococcal antibiotic like dicloxacillin is necessary to eradicate the infections and stop their recurrence. Ridding the staph from your skin is the cure. Or see a dermatologist

Answered 6/1/2018



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