A member asked:

Just noticed a sm bump on scalp with a bald patch. area is tender.spot is purplish & doc thinks its a mole. derm appt in 3+ wks. i've had headache for 2+ days. i also hit head hard there 4 months ago.

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

May be a hematoma: Most likely it couldbbe a molr or a infected cyst which fits your discretion, or small amount of blood collected there called hematoma, call and ask for a early appoint.

Answered 6/19/2020



Headaches: As physicians we try to put all the symptoms and aspects of he history to come together to diagnose a one single condition. However, it is possible that in your case, you are dealing with three different unrelated problems. I am glad you have the appointment scheduled to check the scalp. That is a start.

Answered 11/28/2017



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