A member asked:

I had top two wisdom teeth extracted two weeks ago (no stitches). when is it safe to stop doing the salt water mouth rinse?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Robert Douglas answered

Specializes in Orthodontics

After a few days: If there is no bleeding, discharge, foul taste, excessive pain not controlled by the medication you were prescribed you can stop salt water rinses after a few days. If you have any of the above mentioned symptoms, call your surgeon.

Answered 8/31/2016


Dr. Gary Sandler answered

Specializes in Dentistry

Salt water rinses: Certainly by now if not before. It's the responsibility of your dentist to see you for a follow up visit to ensure normal healing. Was that done? Did your dentist dismiss you from further follow-up care?

Answered 8/31/2016



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How can you do the salt water rinse after wisdom teeth are cut out?

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