A member asked:

28 yrs& having pain from below the knee to toes & bottom of foot.toes & foot feels numb & it hurts to put weight on it and walk.front of leg swollen?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Ashley Vanderloop answered

Specializes in Podiatry

With any: unusual pain, swelling and numbness in the leg and foot it is highly recommended that you get seen in person by your doctor as soon as possible. You will likely need some lab work done and possibly an xray. Most important is to get a proper history and physical which will give an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.

Answered 10/13/2017


Dr. Scott Keith answered

Specializes in Podiatry

Why R U Waiting...: I can't think of any reasons better that those you have listed to seek a professional opinion, and right soon. It is not clear if these symptoms are all related of brought about by a compensation mechanism. This could involve vascular, muscular, nerve and possibly bone. I urge you to be seen sooner than later.

Answered 9/27/2020



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