A member asked:

My wife, age 52, has a collapsed gallbladder but no pain at all. only one episode of pain 18 years back. is it advisable tokeep it until it hurts?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. David Lipkin answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

See answer: A persistently contracted(collapsed)gallbladder is usually the result of chronic inflammation and scarring of the gallbladder resulting in inability to distend and fill with bile. This is the result of gallstones causing mechanical irritation of the GB or prior episodes of acute cholecystitis. If there has been no recent episodes of biliary pain no treatment or surgery is required.

Answered 3/10/2016


Dr. Herman Hammerstead answered

Specializes in Trauma Surgery

Yes: But follow with yearly u/s scans. Sooner if symptoms develop

Answered 6/11/2021



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