A member asked:

I got my ear lobes pierced 2 months ago. one of them just started to bleed for the first time yesterday?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Does it hurt.. swell: Ear lobe may be healing a while after piercing . Make sure you clean it ( alcohol wipe), use gold only.( other metal can cause reaction). If hurts , red , swollen .. probably infectef and can bleed. Or if you forcefully try to put earring in..Try cold compress, Neosporin on earring to glide in .. if redness spreading see your doctor immediately.

Answered 3/12/2016



Doctor can check: If the piercing has a "friable spot" (a spot that is not healing well, and is easy to start bleeding when irritated), that spot could bleed if one tries to take out an earring or put an earring in. A primary care doctor can take a look to see what is going on.

Answered 7/6/2018



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