A member asked:

How will lifting 40 lb weights vs.10 lb weights increase my calorie burn? i exercise regularly but want to drop weight quicker. will this speed it up?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. David Trettin answered

Specializes in Orthopedic Surgery

No: You need to increase your aerobic workouts ( running, bike, elliptical etc.) to lose weight combined w/ reduction in your intake ( diet). Increasing weight may possibly increase muscle girth. Try more reps quicker for any possible weight loss but this is not how u lose weight. Good Luck!

Answered 3/2/2016


Dr. Justin Nelson answered

Specializes in Pediatric Dentistry

Build more muscle: increased muscle mass = increased muscle tone = increase caloric usage/burning = drop more weight. Don't rush weight loss....it must be done in a scheduled manner and people may lose things in different ways. Please stay strong and you result will show.

Answered 3/2/2016



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