A member asked:

My knee has been dislocating but i put it back in place. this time it got doslocated and i had a hard time putting it back in place and after i did, it started hurting and i can't walk. i already put a brace on and a ligament or bone kept popping out of p

5 doctors weighed in across 4 answers
Dr. David Lipkin answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

See a physician: It's not possible to give advice without examining you. You need to see your physician for evaluation.

Answered 2/10/2016



See OrthopedicMDasap: I think you need to make an appointment with an Orthooedic Specialist as soon as possible as your knee is unstable.Keep the brace on and use crutches till you see the specialist of go to nearest ER as you may have severe ligament injury.. Make sure you have feeling of touch and pain in the leg below the knee and normal circulation .Do not take any chances as you should have consulted ortho earlier

Answered 9/3/2016



Ouch!: I'm assuming you mean the kneecap (patella) that's popping out of place. That's fairly common, but the other parts of the knee joint should not do that. When this happens, the back of the patella can scrape against bone incorrectly and become inflamed. If you're not already under care for this, a physical therapist is the best bet to improve. Visit your primary care doc for eval/referral.

Answered 2/10/2016


Dr. Cynthia Archer answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

See a doctor : Soon. Meaning in the next few days. You may need surgery.

Answered 2/10/2016



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