A member asked:

My latest ultrasound revealed two gallbladder polyps of sizes 3 and 5 mm each. how do i determine if it's cancer? are tumor marker tests useful now?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Remove gallbladder.: The only real way to know if these are cancerous would be to remove the gallbladder in its entirety and send it to the pathologist. Gallbladder polyps are typically benign and are troublesome only because they can behave like gallstones, but to know if they're cancerous, you'd have to have your gallbladder removed and tested in its entirety.

Answered 12/8/2015



See below: Tumor markers are not useful for detecting early tumors and there are no tumor markers of gall bladder tumors. It is unlikely that the gall bladder polyps are cancer. You can take a watch and wait approach. Ultrasound is a safe non-invasive test that can be repeated every few months to see if the polyps are growing. If the lesion grow, gall bladder can be removed by laproscopic surgery.

Answered 12/7/2015



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