Hallux Limitus / Yog: Hallux Limitus and Yoga do not mix very well. Hallux Limits/Rigidus is a local arthritic condition of the big toe joint, that causes difficulty with many activities including Yoga. Orthotics, physical therapy and shoe modifications are all options. Surgery is always a last resort but is very effective in the right surgeons hands. You can practice Yoga to your tolerance level. Good Luck
Answered 11/20/2015
Not Rock Solid.: I am not sure what is meant by wearing specially cut shoes as part of the requirements of performing the surgery. Is this a short term post-op recovery type shoe or more of a permanent thing. Without knowing what surgery he has planed, it is difficult to predict your abilities after the surgery. I advise patients that a second opinion is always best, especially if you are unclear or concerned.
Answered 11/24/2015
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