A member asked:

Ecg 12 leads: normal sinus rhythm,possible left atrial enlargement,inferior infarct,acute mi / stemi, abnormal ecg when compared with ecg of 30-mar-2015 st elevation now present in inferior leads. but troponins are ok. is it heart attack?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Bishnu Subedi answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Repeat EKG: Computer interpretation is often wrong, not surprisingly. If no chest pain and cardiac enzymes are normal-likely, it's not a heart attack. There are several other causes of ST segment elevation besides a heart attack. I would repeat EKG and have it interpret from your cardiologist. Good luck.

Answered 12/1/2020



STEMI: In your case the troponin should matter less than your abnormal EKG. They may want to at least consider an ECHO to look at your heart in more detail.

Answered 10/23/2017



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