A member asked:

Blighted ovum or potential ectopic? my hcg levels doubled, then dropped twice before rising again. obgyn is recommending methotrexate.

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Brian Nguyen answered

Specializes in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Good idea: After multiple lab examinations, if there is still nothing seen in the uterus and a rising HCG, you most certainly have an abnormal pregnancy that should be actively managed. A dilation and curettage would help to figure out if the abnormal pregnancy was in the uterus. If it was confirmed that it was not in the uterus, then methotrexate would be a good idea along with continued lab follow up.

Answered 8/31/2015


Dr. Richard Roberts answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

Difficult to know: what your OB saw. Dropping HCG levels a day apart are always significant. If there is something in the uterus, it could be a hydatidiform mole, which could produce HCG. Please call your OB/GYN to have a clarification.

Answered 8/31/2015



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