Many things: Eat a good and balanced diet. Maintain a healthy weight, Exercise regularly ( 30 minutes 3X / wk or more). Treat high blood pressure and diabetes if you have them. Do not smoke or use drugs like cocaine. Talk with your doc about taking an aspirin each day and consider if a statin is right for you.
Answered 7/20/2015
Follow the following: Exercise most days of the week (aerobic work), eat fruits and vegetables liberally, limit saturated fats, increase fish and fish oil intake, have fiber with each meal, keep your weight in check, don't smoke at all or drink excessively (one or two drinks weekly). The lower the better on LDL and the higher the better on HDL.
Answered 2/19/2016
Healthy heart: Key to healthy heart is having balanced diet, exercising regularly, drinking in moderation and no smoking . Have regular checks and make sure blood pressure , sugars and cholesterol are within normal range.
Answered 10/8/2016
Heart : Eat a mediterranean diet, get plenty of exercise, do not smoke and take care of any risk factors you may have like diabetes, hypertension or gout.
Answered 12/9/2013
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