Symptoms can change: Pcos may result from a genetic predisposition. Other factors can affect how much a woman is affected by pcos, for example gaining weight can increase symptoms or make your cycles more irregular, and losing weight can make you more regular. Many women have less problems with pcos as they get into their 40's and the ovaries become smaller with fewer eggs remaining.
Answered 2/28/2018
Hormone-dependent: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is caused by a hormonal imbalance that prevents follicles from growing normally and eggs from being released each month. People w/ PCOS miss periods because they don't ovulate, so there's no signal to shed the uterine lining. Hormone imbalances that lead to abnormal hair growth can be caused by obesity, so watch your diet and exercise. Control w/ birth control pills!
Answered 5/25/2015
Not really: It can be slightly variable over time, but unless you lose a significant amount of weight or take an rx like metformin, it'll be there for life.
Answered 4/9/2013
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