Improve, usu no cure: Pcos is actually a group of disorders. You need to be evaluated by a physician. It's perhaps best to be evaluated by a reproductive endocrinologist/ infertility specialist such as myself to maximize your fertility and minimize health problems. I'd be happy to see you. We're in los angeles ca if you visit. Our tel. 818 344-8522.
Answered 5/7/2013
Weight loss: Weight loss may help. Ocp's would help to regulate the cycle. Fertility meds to induce ovulation would improve fertility.
Answered 12/10/2013
Yes: Maintaining normal body weight is very helpful. A low glycemic index diet will improve the p cos greatly. Glucophage (metformin) will help the Insulin resistance. Ovulation induction utilizing Femara or Clomid or even gonadotropins will help conception.
Answered 3/22/2020
Yes: There is no treatment which reverses the hormonal disturbances of PCOS and treats all clinical features, so medical management is targeted at individual symptoms and only in association with lifestyle changes.
Answered 12/30/2016
Depends: Pcos is a complex syndrome. Treatment depends on what the main presenting symptoms are. Weight loss is always helpful. Other options include oral contraceptive pills, metformin, spironolactone. It all depends on the symptoms that bother you.
Answered 5/6/2016
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