A member asked:

My 15 months old baby girl has developed upper and lower molars and the front teeth has not yet developed. is there any problem with her?

11 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Gary Sandler answered

Specializes in Dentistry

No front teeth: It's unlikely there is any real concern. Although very late in development, they may still be there. It's also possible they are congenitally missing and may never develop. I assume she is otherwise healthy? If possible, a visit to the dentist who can take some x-rays to determine development would be in order. Even if baby teeth are missing, permanent teeth may develop normally.

Answered 2/9/2021



See dentist: See a dentist or pedodontist to have an x-ray taken and a clinical examination to make sure all is well. Usually, if you have hair and nails, you will have teeth.

Answered 4/14/2015



Overdue: It's considered State of the Art that all children see a Dentist for their 1st examination at eruption of 1st baby tooth, but no later than 1st b'day. With your child's aberrant eruption pattern it would be wise to schedule with a pediatric dento-facial growth and development specialist, a Pedodontist.

Answered 2/9/2021



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