A member asked:

4 week pregnancy, continuous left lower abdominal pain for hours, is there any other explanation than ectopic? is it too early for ultrasound to locate the embryo?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Go to emergency: There are many other explanations besides ectopic, however an ectopic pregnancy can be life threatening. You need to go to Emergency right away and make sure there is no ectopic pregnancy.

Answered 1/19/2016


Dr. M. Hytham Beck answered

Specializes in Surgery

May be: may be but it is not to early to see if there is any changes in the tubes abdominal pain during pregnancy is common and definitively does not mean ectopic it could a cyst in the ovary,ruptured,or getting larger so pain persisted get ultrasound

Answered 3/22/2020



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