Depends : If this is really the flu & baby is in bad shape the tamiflu can be used along with IV fluids & other supportive measures. If the baby is not hospitalized, most just support with fluids & comfort medications during the process. Stuffy nose & dry cough in a 2mo could be just nasal irritation from dust/smoke/fragrance or other such air born debris.Nasal wash out with saline would be preferred rx.
Answered 5/16/2018
M.D. visit: At this time of year, it may be due to another viral or bacterial illness. There are certain infection that also can be diagnosed at this age, which actually may have been transmitted earlier in life. Monitor the baby's temperature, and it is advisable to call your physician. If the temperature is elevated, then a work up is indicated. PRMG/Pediatrics, fax 858 259 9689 for review of records.
Answered 10/31/2017
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