A member asked:

My lipid profile shows s.cholesterol=239, hdl=28, s.triglycerides=345, ldl=162 and vldl=47. what does this mean?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. James Chapman answered

Specializes in Cardiology

Too high: Depending on your risk factors, your targets for cholesterol levels will be different. This panel is too high, even with no risk factors, and puts you and increased risk of atherosclerotic disease, such as heart attack or stroke. See you doctor about what can be done to improve your numbers and lower your risk.

Answered 10/26/2016


Dr. William Cromwell answered

Specializes in Clinical Lipidology

Particle Problems: This lipid panel is common and often hides a greater problem. As tg rises the number of LDL particles rises. However, when tg is high the amount of cholesterol carried by LDL particles goes down. This often results in a much higher LDL particle number (ldl-p) than measured ldl-c levels. When ldl-p is high cardiovascular risk is high independent of ldl-c, hdl-c, or tg values. Ldl-p <1000 is ideal.

Answered 6/28/2018



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