Back Cysts: You may be referring to a "pilonidal cyst, " which is a small congenital persistence of an embryonic tube that fails to completely disappear and will sometimes get infected and cause pain and a small amount of fluid discharge in the midline near the coccyx. There are other types of cysts that your dermatologist can differentiate.
Answered 3/29/2013
Maybe 2 Types: There are several possibilities, but 2 main/common types, if you're talking about skin. Sebaceous cysts are just wax glands that get plugged. Depending on the size they may be treated with heat packs or may need to be surgically excised. Lipomas are fatty blobs that are softer and deeper. Neither are emergencies, but in the low back area may present a mechanical problem if they're at the beltline.
Answered 3/29/2013
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