A member asked:

Have glaucoma w/30% optic nerve damage. being treated with eye drop that has lowered pressure. visual field.test good. what is prognosis long term?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Good with treatment: Most glaucoma responds well to treatment which keeps the pressure below as level at which damage can occur. The hallmark is the visual field test and apparently for you this was good. Maintain the medication schedule and see your ophthalmologist (you are seeing an ophthalmologist - not an optometrist for this?) regularly.

Answered 3/25/2015


Dr. Alessandra Bertolucci answered

Specializes in Ophthalmology

Good: Glaucoma is a treatable disease. If you are attentive to use the meds prescribed, have the pressure checked and periodic visual field your disease is well followed. If there is any tendency toward worsening there are other surgical option to address is.

Answered 3/25/2015



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