A member asked:

At derm today. he used device said mole slightly atypical and removed. last year other derm not concerned. no obv changes. mole is like two brown and one reddish combined 5mm. worried now ...

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Patience: So much of medicine is subjective. Perhaps this doctor is more cautious. If you haven't noticed a big change in a year, you are probably just fine. Regardless, the mole was biopsied and it should have been submitted for pathologic evaluation under a microscope. You will know when the results return. Until then, take a deep breath :).

Answered 3/18/2013



Your question is ???: This is a common problem. Just like anything else on your body, a year goes by & things change in ways you cannot appreciate because you live with it daily. The derm's goal is to leave it alone if it appears benign, remove it before it turns bad or get it early before it creates a problem.Hopefully s/he submitted it for pathologist eval to see if it's just a mole.

Answered 5/2/2016



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