A member asked:

On february 23 of 2011nowhere i went to the hospital for having low potassium. and im fully recovered, but when i drink soda i start to get dizzy why?

6 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Tarek Naguib answered

Specializes in Nephrology and Dialysis

Unclear to me why: This should not be related to history of low potassium although you need yearly lab to make sure that you do not have that again. Why is being dizzy with soda intake? Could it be related to abdominal distension or ulcer disease? Unclear. Need to check with a doctor who knows your medical history and your vital signs to be able to get a better answer.

Answered 9/28/2016



Low potassium: When body metabolizes sugar through insulin, it drives the sugar into cells, along with sugar potassium also moves into cells lowering the level of potassium in blood. This could be the explanation for your symptoms. It would be good to avoid sugary drinks. Have a healthy diet, exercise, drink plenty of water, have safe sex, and get HPV vaccine. Wish you good health!

Answered 11/12/2018



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