A member asked:

What causes the tsh to be high? my tsh was 5.4 and my t4 was 7.6. no other thyroid tests were given. doc put me on levothyroxine50mg says i'm hypo.

A doctor has provided 1 answer

Hypothyroidism.: In hypothyroidism, TSH is high because it is a reaction to thyroid hormone/free thyroid hormone being low. The hypothyroid can be due to many causes, but this is the main effect. Your TSH is slightly high at 5.4 (normal 0.4 - 5.0 mu/l) and your T4 is apparently low (normal 64 - 154 nmol/l), so your dr. Treated you with thyroid replacement. You should visit your dr. Routinely for check-up.

Answered 12/24/2018



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