A member asked:

How much damage has been done to my lungs? is there something i can do to reverse this damage? i am 29. smoked for 8 years about 6 cigarettes a day. i quit smoking 30 days ago

4 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Bradford Romans answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Quitting : If u quit smoking before age 40 , most of the risk of cancer is reduced.

Answered 7/20/2013



Should be ok: If you are truthful about your smoking history you should not have long lasting damage. If you smoked only a half pack/day for 8 years you are considered a 4 pack year smoker, which should give you only a minimal if any increased risk of developing a tobacco related illness over your lifetime. Note that your overall risk may depend on other factors, such as asthma or repeated lung infections.

Answered 3/26/2013


Dr. Richard Williams answered

Specializes in Pharmacy

Keep it up: Your daily amount was not significant so i wouldn't worry about lung damagetttthe longer you saty away and "clena up your lungs"the more they become as "good as " someone who didn't smok.I know it's tough but hang in there- it's the best decision you can make.

Answered 4/28/2013



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